Logging Options

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

6:40 PM

OneMore writes a log file to %TEMP%\OneMore.log - this might be %TMP%\OneMore.log on your system. You can easily get to this from the hyperlink on the OneMore About dialog, presuming OneMore is working enough so you can get there. But often, errors will be written to this log file. It's a good diagnostic tool when developing OneMore but can also be helpful when reporting a bug.


The log file is designed to be as streamlined as possible. It generates a header when OneNote starts up and it indicates when OneNote shuts down. Each line in the log file is prefaced with the managed threadpool threadID and a timestamp.


The Settings General sheet includes a checkbox that enables verbose logging. This writes additional detailed logging in some cases. The verbose logging option can be enabled by updating your personal settings file at %APPDATA%\OneMore\Settings.xml as shown here.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>









Once you make changes to the Settings.xml file, you'll need to restart OneNote before they take effect.



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